This Zine was produced by the participants of the Sin Fronteras creative leadership programme, a unique collaborative project between the Latin American Women’s Rights Service and the Cross-Language Dynamics project, in partnership with Southwark Council. The project explored and encouraged civic engagement and leadership among Latin American young women and girls in Southwark. Over an eight week-programme, the different creative workshops allowed the participants to work collaboratively and reflect on their own diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and their capabilities and skills as young Latin American women. In the workshops, participants mixed languages and media, drawing freely and creatively on their range of linguistic and non-linguistic resources, and creating a space in which they were able to express their translingual identities and use these multiple forms of expression as a tool for change.
The programme was funded by the Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community project and led by the Latin American Women’s Rights Service, under the coordination of Tamya Bustamente in collaboration with María Soledad Montañez and Naomi Wells from the Institute of Modern Languages Research. Workshops have been led by a range of creative professionals and leaders, including Rachel Johnson (JUMP LDN), Romina Calatayud (founder and managing director of Girls United), Silvia Demetilla (creative and editorial director of La Tundra), Steaz (grafitti artist), William Brown (filmmaker and Senior Lecturer in Film at Roehampton), Judith Rifeser and Kate Dangerfield, and Bianca Oblivion (DJ).