Cross-Language Dynamics
Reshaping Community: Translingual Strand
Welcome to the Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community translingual strand.
Here you will be able to find all of the information about the School of Advanced Study-led strand of the Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community consortium, led by the University of Manchester, exploring the central role that languages play in relation to key contemporary issues, such as social cohesion, migration, health, business and diplomacy.
Recent Posts
Brazilian food entrepreneurs in the UK: Made in Brasil
Francielle Carpenedo: This is a series of blog posts in which I share some snippets of histories and trajectories of UK Brazilian food entrepreneurs with whom I had the pleasure to talk to as part of my research about online communication.* This week’s post brings a...
Brazilian food entrepreneurs in the UK: Fazenda
Francielle Carpenedo: This is a series of blog posts in which I share some snippets of histories and trajectories of UK Brazilian food entrepreneurs with whom I had the pleasure to talk to as part of my research about online communication.* This week’s post brings a...