Latest Past Events

Proletkult and the Languages of Modernity

Senate House, University of London Malet Street, London

Proletkult refers to the Proletarian Cultural-Enlightenment Organization (Proletarskie kul'turno-prosvetitel'nye organizatsii). The institution was autonomous from the Bolshevik party, but is regarded by many as the cultural arm of the revolution. Founded in 1917, it was tasked with developing radical avant-garde aesthetics tailored to the working classes and their emergent role in modern industrial culture. Proletkult […]

Transnational Perspectives on the Study of Spanish in Society

The University of Edinburgh South Bridge, Edinburgh

Languages travel and adapt to the new circumstances faced by their speakers. The growth of the Spanish language has always been transnational in nature, insofar as any expansion has been grounded in cultural and economic exchange. Therefore, at this conference, we wish to bring together those with scholarly interests in the situation of the Spanish […]

Living with/on the Border: writers, language and identity in north-east Italy from the end of World War II to the present.

Senate House, University of London Malet Street, London

This conference examines writing and identity in north-east Italy. We will explore the experiences, reflected in writers from the 1940s to the present, of the migrations of peoples between ex-Yugoslavia and Italy as a result of the end of WWII and its on-going aftermath. These experiences were often traumatic and are reflected in culture, language […]